NCARCOG Services

What We Do
North Carolina’s regional councils offer their local governments a wide range of quality services based on member needs. An inter-regional cooperative agreement empowers each council and allows them to work across regional boundaries.
In addition to the services listed below, the regional councils act as conveners when called upon by local, regional, state, and federal partners.
NCARCOG Services
Community & Economic Development
Regional councils partner with federal and state resources as well as private partnerships to further economic development through water, sewer, and housing infrastructure. The councils also tackle comprehensive economic development planning.
Grant Writing & Management
Member governments and local non-profits can request grant writing and management services from their regional councils.
Planning & GIS Mapping Services
Local, regional, state, and federal agencies can work with their regional councils to craft statewide planning (in fields such as water resources, transportation, and the environment) and GIS services.
State & Federal Program Management
The regional councils are the primary providers of federal and state programs such as aging, transportation planning, CDBG grants, HUD grants, data collection, housing programs, etc.
Workforce Development
Regional councils work with Local Workforce Development Boards to connect employers, economic developers, and job seekers to foster a qualified labor force in communities throughout the state.
Aging & Older Adult Services
North Carolina’s Area Agencies on Aging are housed at Regional Councils in order to leverage regional systems for local coordination of services and programs that enable older adults to age with dignity.
Regional-Specific Services
Convener For Collaborative Solutions
North Carolina communities need a neutral space where they can resolve issues as they arise. The regional councils provide professional facilitation and expertise to find a solution that considers all stakeholders.
Administrative and Financial Services
Local governments are often faced with a myriad of challenges and not enough resources to carry out their mission. The regional councils step in to help by offering temporary or long-term administrative and general financial services.
Interim Executive Management and Executive Search Services
Regional councils provide interim executive management as members recruit new staff leadership. The councils provide these services at a lower cost than private consultants and are more familiar with member government needs.
Strategic Planning and Facilitation
Local governments can turn to their regional councils for help with budget and financial planning, dispute resolution, and retreat facilitation.
Financial Administration and Back Office Support
Many small governments contract regional councils to provide financial and administrative support. The economies of scale created through these solutions often save small communities thousands in public tax dollars.
Human Resources
North Carolina’s regional councils deliver human services daily through aging programs, volunteer systems, and innovative projects. They also help meet the transportation, healthcare, and basic needs of some of the most vulnerable citizens in their communities.
Regional Procurement Vehicle
Many regional councils offer centralized procurement services to member governments upon request. This trend aims to achieve cost savings and efficiencies in the acquisition of goods and services at a national level.

Disaster Recovery Financial Administration Training
NCARCOG supports local governments in effectively managing and building capacity for local and regional disaster recovery, mitigation, and resiliency efforts. Specifically, NCARCOG and its member Councils, lead a state-wide training program for local government staff to support the successful and efficient administration of federal recovery funding. Training is administered in each region by its COG staff in cooperation with various state agencies. The training program also provides a forum to facilitate collaboration and communication among the Public Assistance Financial Management community of practice across North Carolina.
This statewide initiative is funded by an appropriation in the 2021 State Budget to NCARCOG. Over the past five years, North Carolina has experienced several major natural disasters, including several overlapping events, which are becoming more and more prevalent. Local governments must navigate complex financial reporting and compliance requirements while working within constrained post-disaster operating environments. Concerns over the successful and efficient administration of recovery funding prompted the North Carolina General Assembly to provide resources to develop and deliver a comprehensive financial administration training program for local governments.